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Hurricane Harvey

What is this video about?  

Businesses can face dramatic consequences in the wake of a disaster, as well as sudden economic losses and dislocation. In this webinar, guest presenter Leann Hackman-Carty explains how economic developers can prepare, mitigate and (sometimes) prevent disasters. She reviews how you can help businesses in your area be better able to respond, recover, and remain more resilient in the face of disruptive change. Building economic resilience means communities are better positioned to recover when crises happen.

Guest speaker, Leann Hackman-Carty, is an entrepreneur, author, Master of Disaster, Resilience Champ, and CEO for Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) since 2009.

What will we be learning?

  • Case study: Fort McMurray (AB) business response and recovery
  • About disasters - types and challenges
  • A step-by-step guide to helping your region’s businesses Stand APART©

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